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ChristopherBlanco_BOWS's shared trades

ChristopherBlanco_BOWS's shared trades:

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Gravatar CYBR
Mar 20, 2015 10:35
Bear Flag and Triple Tap Breakdown This was a bad trade in so many ways. I shorted the 3rd Bear Fl

CYBR price chart
Gravatar ESPR
Mar 19, 2015 14:17
Bear Flag I missed the first entry, but as soon as it pulled back, I got in. I was shaken out on t

ESPR price chart
Gravatar XON
Mar 19, 2015 13:14
Bear Flag I tried to short this Bear Flag, but it didn't work out.

XON price chart
Gravatar ACAD
Mar 18, 2015 11:37
Bear Flag Breakdown I had a good entry, but I was shaken out of the trade. I wanted to stay in but

ACAD price chart
Gravatar ACAD
Mar 16, 2015 10:15
Bear Flag I kept shorting the Bear Flags.

ACAD price chart
Gravatar LL
Mar 16, 2015 09:52
Bear Flag I had no reason to cover when I did. Totally got out waaaayyyyy tooooooo sooooon!!!!!!

LL price chart
ChristopherBlanco_BOWS's top 100 symbols:

long short

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