Advanced Trend Reports

The Advanced trend reports are designed to plot moving averages of certain trading statistics. The various values available to plot are listed below. Depending on your subscription level, not all values may be available.

Advanced reports require a silver or gold subscription.

The moving average can be one of the following:

Trade moving average

Trade moving averages plot a moving average of the selected statistic over the last n trades. So for example, you can look at a 30-trade moving average of your win %.

The trades will be sorted in ascending order of open date/time, and the X-axis for these reports will reflect the index of the trade in this sorted list.

Daily moving average

Daily moving averages plot a moving average of the selected statistic over the last n days. Note that this is not a moving average of the daily values, but rather a weighted moving average of all trades over the last n days. Consider the following example:

  • Day 1: 9 wins, 0 losses (win % = 100%)
  • Day 2: 0 wins, 1 loss (win % = 0%

If we did a 2-day moving average, the 2nd day will not show a value of 50%, but rather will show a value of 90%.

The X-axis of the report will show date; if there are long periods of time with no trades, this will appear as a flat line on the report.

Available statistics

Important Only closed trades are reflected in the Advanced reports.

The available values that can be plotted on the Y axis are as follows:


The gross or net (depending on the report setting) P&L for the trade. This is reported either in $, or in multiples of R (the risk put on for each trade). For these reports, P&L is considered as of the open date/time of the trade.

Win %

The percentage of trades that had a gross or net (depending on the report setting) greater than zero.

Position MFE

The maximum interim profit during the trade. Usually referred to as Maximum Favorable Excursion (MFE), and sometimes referred to as runup.

Position MAE

The maximum interim loss during the trade. Usually referred to as Maximum Adverse Excursion (MAE), and sometimes referred to as drawdown.

Position MFE/MAE ratio

The ratio of the moving averages of the Position MFE and Position MAE. Each data point is calculated by dividing the MFE moving average at that index by the MAE moving average.

Price MFE

The maximum favorable price movement during the trade, independent of position size. The price movement in $ will be shown - only trades settled in USD will be displayed.

Price MAE

The maximum adverse price movement during the trade, independent of position size. The price movement in $ will be shown - only trades settled in USD will be displayed.

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